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world peace

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world peace  Empty world peace

Post  nibf 2011-11-13, 06:28

"World Peace" a statement we often hear, radiating from the mouths of "optimistic" creatures that walk the earth. What is it exactly? How can we attain such a thing like "world peace"? A few days ago I ask my younger brother that if I was a genie and could grant him any one wish what would it be. He tells me he wish for world peace, an admirable wish. However this wish is "difficult" to grant even for an powerful genie. It took me quite an amount of time to come up with 2 solutions to his wish. I told him the first then the next asking out of the 2 which would he chose, if he must pick one.

1. The world will be rid of all humans. Humans slaughter each other, and other cute creatures for game. If there was no man there will be world peace.

2. Everyone (humans only of course) will have all that they need. Examples: food, shelter, women/men. They won't need to do anything, everything will just be handed to them. So they won't need to steal. Women can sleep with anyone they choose, so can men. Rapist won't need to rape since there will be someone there for them to. Everyone is just super happy all the time. There will be no war and everyone can do drugs as they please. Everyone would just be making love instead of war. (Sounds like the 70s Razz)

Can you guess which one he picked? (for poll)*

To me there's no such thing as "perfect". There's no such thing as absolute peace. Well beside choice 1 if you get what I mean. We will all be resting in peace for that choice. To attempt to obtain world peace is to continue to fill a pitcher with no bottom. The closest thing we got to peace is COMA. Very Happy. Okay enough with the bad jokes. What we have right now is the nearest thing to world peace. Plus sometimes there should be a little disruption in the "peace" so that we may know what it is to be peace and what it is not. How can you say that you're happy if you were never once sad?

How would you grant "world peace" if there was something such as world peace?


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-24

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world peace  Empty Re: world peace

Post  avionmage 2011-11-13, 18:06

though i cant say how i would grant world peace, i would like to go back to what world peace is. you said its like a pitcher with no bottom. i would disagree. World peace is an Asymptote, no matter how close we get, we aren't there... but we get closer. its our job to push us closer every time, even if we never get there.

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world peace  Empty Re: world peace

Post  whitelightning31 2011-12-02, 02:56

world peace......humans will always be the most savage creatures around, we cant change that, we cant change peoples believe(because believes are suppose to be unbreakable).....so what now?
i say if we all live and help each other once in a while then there wouldnt be need for world peace, so screw world peace and all that complicated stuff. just live and help when you can so at the end of the day if you were to forever close your eyes, you could at least say, you dont have any regrets and you dont have to tell anybody sorry on your dieing bed because you did your best as a human being despite it might only be you who have done good in the world.

the world cannot be changed....will at least it cannot be changed easily, so pull ,toggle and strive and lets have fun while we're here.

if the world was perfect......it would be very boring.
if we never cried.............then we might of never learned.
if he never laughed...........then we could hope to someday.
.....and all that sorts of mumble-jumble and stuff.


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world peace  Empty Re: world peace

Post  avionmage 2011-12-02, 19:50

I cant quite tell if im talking to a pessimistic or an optimistic person. care to fill me in?

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world peace  Empty Re: world peace

Post  whitelightning31 2011-12-03, 00:12

avionmage wrote:I cant quite tell if im talking to a pessimistic or an optimistic person. care to fill me in?
not just you but many people have asked me this.....and it's always been a little hard for me to explain because then i'll be writing as the length of 'story books'. so i'll say the same that i've always said cause it's the simplest way to put things......i think it should always have a balance between light and dark, so i look at things on both a bad and good note........and that should be enough to figure out a little....or least be less confuse


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world peace  Empty Re: world peace

Post  avionmage 2011-12-03, 13:00

I see, and i could agree that its a good idea to balance.

Posts : 77
Join date : 2011-08-30


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