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FrameLords - Liberators of Color, Oppose the Broken Ones!

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FrameLords - Liberators of Color, Oppose the Broken Ones! Empty FrameLords - Liberators of Color, Oppose the Broken Ones!

Post  isaac 2011-12-07, 01:50

This a archetype based on celebrating all the different types of monsters we have in this game.

Essentially, a lot of these cards are based off powerful banned, or limited cards which at least at one time wreacked havoc on the game. And mimicking them in a more balanced manner, or countering them using similar effects.

There's also a lot of word play in these cards, I think it fits it well. I may change it, but i feel like there's no better naming scheme for them.
I also tried my best to keep the wordings as realistic as possible, but somewhere down the line i decided to get the effects i want out, then edit them to work later. So please, any suggestions are welcome. I worked long and hard on this archetype (about a month and a half, on and off) but am mature enough to accept any criticism you can throw at me.

Quite frankly, I doubt I could make it work while leaving room for a deck neglecting most if not all other aspects of the archetype, like how most REAL archetypes end up, but i'll try.

Also, a lot of the effects say "And" instead of "To" is so that i may try to implement effects which activate somehow when selected to return to the deck... But with how effects being unable to activate in the deck, it proves difficult.

Starting up, we have:

FrameLord N Vahn
Level 4
Brought here from a world of summoners, to combat the strongest, most dangerous of beings who were all banished due to their crimes against the peace of the dimension. As they attempt to force their way back, this young man is all that can stand in their way...

Mulling over his stats, and flavor text. But i think the name, and typing/att is fine. Originally i wanted him to have less attack so that he won't be abused with Rescue rabbit. Since the XYZ would probably be well-received in dino rabbit. But after thinking about it, making him a beater is just too good to pass up. It makes you not really care if he gets destroyed, because his presence in the grave serves a purpose.

Currently, he doesn't fill as big of a role as i intended for him to make when i first started. A lot of the cards function fine, and could probably be t2 without him. Not going much higher with him, if at all. So "If you return a "FrameLord N - Vahn" with this effect, you can do X" might be how i edit cards in the future. So that getting him in the grave, is something the opponent is afraid to do/allow.

FrameLord Ally - Gatekeeper
Level 4
When this card is normal, or special summoned you can activate one of these effects:
- Return one "Framelord" Card from your hand, or graveyard to the deck and add one "Framelord" card from your deck to your hand other than "Framelord Ally - Gatekeeper".
- Destroy spell/trap cards on your opponent's side of the field for each other monster you control with a different colored frame. You must also return "FrameLord" cards from your hand, or deck to the graveyard equal to the amount of cards destroyed.

Potentially too good, also the "broken" card he mirrors(Stratos) isn't exactly a representative of broken for effect monsters. Due to the time he ran rampant.
Would like to make him a "witch of the black forest" variant, but currently having trouble of balancing it.

(Tune To Ya)
FrameLord Ally - Tuntuya
Level 3
This card's name is treated as "FrameLord N - Vahn" while in the graveyard. While you control a "FrameLord" card on the field, you can return one framelord card from your hand, or graveyard to the deck and special summon this card from your hand. While this card is in the graveyard, you can banish this card to send two "FrameLord" cards with different names from your deck, to your grave other than a "Framelord Ally" card.

Gale mirror, even though gale wasn't THAT broken, and isn't too broken by today's standards, I think the connection is easy enough to make. Didn't make it dark to avoid abuse with arma knight, not because it's broken but just because i hate relying on crap like that.

The milling part of her effect may be replaced by a more gale-esque effect, and given to Gatekeeper. It doesn't seem like she should be so versatile...

FrameLord Ally - Itza T Unit

Continuous Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack. Special summon this card; It is treated as a monster (Aqua/FIRE/ Level 4/0 ATK/2000 DEF) And negate the attack. If this facedown card is selected by a card effect, flip it up and special summon 1 "FrameLord" monster from your graveyard. If those effects would return this card to the deck, you can also return 1 "FrameLord" card from your hand, deck, or graveyard to the deck instead, and special summon it. If special summoned in this way, you can normal summon 1 "FrameLord" monster in addition to your normal summon this turn.

Again, would like to replace it with a more broken effect, but the archetype needs a trap-monster, and I feel the most broken representative of that small group, if Metal Reflect Slime. A searchable 3k defender however would be far too powerful i feel, and wouldn't really serve much purpose. Effect is subject to change, but will stay as a trap monster of some kind.

Framelord Ally - Canyu S Unit
Quickplay Spell card
Return two "FrameLord" cards from your hand, or graveyard to the deck and Special summon 3 "Framelord Ally - Sheep" tokens. (Beast/Earth/Level 1/0 ATK/0 DEF) These tokens cannot be used as Synchro Material, except for the synchro summon of a "FrameLord" monster.

Just synchro fodder to enable the summon of Blazing without Defecto + Tuntuya. Also tribute fodder for Defecto, Fyu-san, and a generally good, and balanced card.

Framelord Artes
Quickplay Spell card
Select one "Framelord" card from your field, or hand. Return it to the deck and send one face-up card on your opponent's side of the field to the top of the deck. Then send 3 "FrameLord" other than "FrameLord Ally" cards from your deck, to the graveyard.

Essentially a -1 Gemini Spark, but sets the decks engine up and eliminates threats. Also, searchable by Gatekeeper mitigates the cost at times.

FrameLord Charm
(Artwork of an amulet resembling the Witch of the black forest's third eye)
Trap Card
Activate only when a "FrameLord" Monster you control is sent from the field to the graveyard; add one "FrameLord" card from your deck, to your hand with a different frame color than the card sent.
May or may not be removed. Honestly, I just wanted to include the witch somehow. But she was either too slow, too unsynergetic, or just plain broken.

The FrameLord Shuffle!
Counter Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent activates a spell, trap, or monster card's effect which would add a card(s) from the deck to the hand, send a card(s) from the deck to the grave, or special summon from the deck. Return one "Framelord" card from your hand, field, or graveyard(other than this card) to the deck. Then, negate that effect, and return it to the deck. During the end phase this card was activated, you can special summon one "FrameLord N - Vahn" from your deck.
All that is subject to change is the last line, it may be made stronger, weaker, or removed entirely. However despite being a +1, it's just a vanilla monster. I'm not sure if that's much more broken than even W nebula monster.

FrameLord's Charmity
Normal Spell Card
Select 2 FrameLord cards from your hand, or field. Return them to the deck and draw 3 cards.

Themed Graceful Charity, may be made to draw 2 cards after i make more effects activate when they are targeted by effects which would return them to the deck. Because as is, if searched by Gatekeeper it's a +1 which adds huge amounts of consistency, and possible even more plusses.

To Tour Destiny
Continuous Spell Card
Once per turn, you can return Reveal 1 "FrameLord" card from your hand, or select one card on the field field other than this card. Return that card to your deck and draw 1 card. If this face-up card is selected by a card effect, add one "FrameLord" card from your deck, to your hand. When you control four or more monsters with different colored card frames on your side of the field, you can send this card to the graveyard to destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field.

Not a field spell because they don't need it, it'd be broken, and is done to death.
Last effect may be changed to 5 different, or 4 with a vanilla. But currently, i don't feel it's much worse than batterymen.

FrameLord R - General Shu'al

Level 7
This card can only be ritual summoned with the ritual spell card "Rite of the Righteous FrameLord". When this card is ritual summoned, you can declare one type of summon(other than special, normal, or flip) If that type of summon is successful, destroy that monster. Once per turn you can return 1 Framelord card from your hand, and 1 Framelord card from your grave to your deck and draw 2 cards. If you have no "FrameLord N - Vahn" In your Graveyard during the end phase, reveal one "FrameLord N - Vahn" in your hand or Destroy this card.

Coupled with his ritual spell, the first effect might be overkill. One might change, but i feel the ritual spell needs to serve some competitive use outside of ritual summoning.

Either way, he's just a +1 per turn stall engine. Good against linear decks.

Rite of the Righteous Framelord
Ritual Spell
This card can be used to Ritual Summon "Framelord R - General Shu'al". You must send 1 "FrameLord N - Vahn" from your hand, or deck to your graveyard to activate this card. You must also return "Framelord" monsters from your hand, or graveyard to your deck equal to, or less than the level of the ritual monster you are attempting to ritual summon. When this card would be returned to the deck by an effect while in the graveyard; you can change the target to another "FrameLord" card in your graveyard, and your opponent cannot attack with, or activate the effects of special summoned monsters until the end of their next turn. Then banish this card.

Powerful multi-effect ritual spell which adds control to the deck. Highly synergetic with Preparation of Rites, as getting this card to the graveyard is very desirable due to it's effect. Effect most likely not going to change.

Framelord E - Defecto
Level 6
During the end phase, destroy this card if you have any "Framelord N - Vahn" in your grave, or on the field. This card can be special summoned while you have 3 or more "Framelord" Cards in your graveyard. When this card is summoned, you can select one of your level 4 or lower banished monsters, and special summon it. If you have exactly 3 "framelord" cards in your graveyard, you can special summon this card from your hand during either players turn, if you do, the effects of all special summoned monster effects are negated until the end phase, except "FrameLord" monsters. If a lv. 5 or higher DARK monster's effect's activation is negated by this effect, it is returned to the deck.

May be changed to a monarch-esque card, but making it a mini-dad seems far more Appropriate, and strategic. However, the "Exactly 3 FrameLord" effect may be made more aggressive, as the deck has plenty of control as it is.

Probably something more remniscent of dad.

FrameLord S - The Blazing Crow
Level 9
Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner "FrameLord" Monsters
When this card is synchro summoned, both players select one card each from their opponent's field, and graveyard and return them to the deck. If this face-up card is targeted by an effect which would return it to the deck, change the target to one other card on the field. Then, if you chose a card you control, your opponent must return one random card from their hand, to their deck.

Trish mirror which rewards being summoned with no backrow. Effect highly unlikely to change. Stats, and material needed however are.

(Xyz Backwards)
FrameLord X - Envoy Nemezyx
Rank 4
FrameLord N - Vahn + Level 4 Monster of a different color frame.
2500 ATK/3000 DEF
While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot banish any cards, and any cards which have effects to banish cards, are negated. When this card is Xyz summoned, you can detach 2 Xyz Material to activate this effect; you can return cards from either players graveyard equal to the amount of Xyz material detached to the deck; For each "Framelord" card returned in this way, declare 1 card name. Your opponent must then reveal, and return to the deck one copy of the selected card(s) if any. If they cannot, they must reveal their hands.

Only thing subject to change is stats.
Since the deck generally does not see the hand, the chances of getting his final effect off are slim, but due to no downside to using it, it's quite powerful. And being an extra deck transmigration prophecy, Chaos Hunter, and Mind Crush all in one might seem a tad broken. But by generally needing a vanilla, two turn set-ups, and only one use seems to balance it out in my opinion.

FrameLord F - Sir. Fyu-san
Level 1
FrameLord N - Vahn + 2 monsters with different colored card frames
This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by tributing the above monsters. (You do not use "Polymerization".) This card cannot be targeted by effects controlled by your opponent. When this card is destroyed, equip it to one monster your opponent controls. That monster must attack if able, it cannot destroy any monsters by battle, and any battle damage it would inflict is inflicted to the opponent instead. During the end phase this card is sent to the graveyard, return it to the extra deck to special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Framelord" monster from your deck, or graveyard.

Main thing subject to change is how many framelords i want his final effect to summon, and how i hard i want it to be to get rid of him.

Though, despite his effect being powerful... it's highly reliant on the opponent, and slow. Also discourages going aggro a bit.
The way i intended him to usually be summoned is: Gatekeeper, get charmity, use it to try to send back cards including a set T unit, and get a Vahn them make this.

But that's a three card investment, and only gets back one if warning'd. (though summoning a Gatekeeper is actually 2)

I also wanted to give him a gb contact fusion type summoning condition, but then he wouldn't work with tokens... But tributing works fine since it simulates Polymerization a little better.[quote]

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Join date : 2011-07-13

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