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To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012)

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To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012) Empty To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012)

Post  DIYDeath 2012-02-06, 17:25


Elemental Hero Neos Alius x2-looks pretty, 1900 attack
Elemental Hero Voltic x1-special summons banished heroes
Elemental Hero Stratos x1-searches out heroes
Elemental Hero Ocean x2-recycles graveyard-bound heroes.

Tour Guide From the Underworld x3-used to make Leviair, no Sangan because I search enough as is and need the room.
Penguin Soldier x2-better than Snowman Eater because it can bounce 2 targets.
Reborn Tengu x3-Why? Reborn Tengu+Fusion Gate=OTK
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1
Maxx "C" x3-Why 3? Shuts down Wind-Ups. At the very least its a +0 so I don't see why not.


Fusion Gate x3
Super Polymerization x3-Why 3? Dead draw much? You can discard super poly with super poly if you end up in that situation. That's what I do.
E - Emergency Call x3
Pot of Duality x3-Why? Because this deck is trap-esque in how it plays thanks to Super Poly and Mask Change.
Terraforming x2
Mask Change x2-WTF WHY? Masked Hero Acid's effect is Harpie's Feather Duster.
Swords of Revealing Light x2-Why this? Stalls are important and this is king of stalls.
Reinforcement of the Army x1


Royal Decree x3-why Decree? So many counters. You provide multiple S/T targets, making your opponent choose which kind of hell they want to deal with.


Elemental Hero Absolute Zero x2
Elemental HERO Great Tornado x3
Elemental Hero The Shining x2
Elemental Hero Gaia x1 (he sucks don't run more than 1)
Elemental Hero Escuridao x2 (being released later this year in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Manga Promotional Cards: Series 9)
Masked Hero Acid x2
Masked Hero Dian (so you can Mask Change Gaia since he sucks so much)
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Dragon Kinght Draco-Equiste x1

There are a few bad matchups that this deck has but to be fair they're against stuff like Wind-Ups who -5 you 1st turn or TG decks who get out Hyper Librarian for a +6 to hand and a Shooting Quasar Dragon (ya that happens a lot. Thanks Konami for making unbalanced uber synchros that are easy to spam).

Otherwise the deck does well, rarely losing thanks to the immense control this deck exerts on the opponent.


Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-01-23

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To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012) Empty Re: To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012)

Post  Barricade 2012-02-06, 17:42

All these comments make it sound like you think we're idiots <.<

Only thing im not agreeing with is 3 duality, and 3 Maxxs. 2 and 2 should be fine

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Birthday : 1995-07-17
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To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012) Empty Re: To the Gates of Victory! The Hero Gate Emerges (late 2012)

Post  DIYDeath 2012-02-06, 18:24

I'm used to dealing with people on TCG, they're stupid there so I'm gonna need some time to adjust. Definitely not trying to be condescending.
Stupid enough to try to convince mass people that using sangan with TGU for an xyz is a great play. I'd say around 80% of them are truly bad yugioh players and incredibly dense when it comes to logic, it's kinda like their eyes are glazed and they have blinders on...

PoD at 3 helps the deck massively, I usually draw exactly what I need, usually super polymerization, mask change, decree or fusion gate.
Maxx "C" definitely doesn't need to be at 3 but its a +/- 0 essentially and it only gets better, I'll have to find a really good card to swap in.

Any suggestions?


Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-01-23

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